Tuesday, December 4, 2007

my coffee beans and Sebastian Bach

keep quite, don't prattle

ah, how sweet coffee tastes!
lovelier than a thousand kisses
smoother than muscate wine.
Coffee, coffee, I must have it
and should anyone wish to give a treat
ah, just pour me some coffee.

4th arin (soprano) Liesgen

Music: Jonathan Sebastian Bach (1734/35)
Text: Christian Friedrich Henrici, 1732

Can you think how coffee became a popular beverage even in the 1700s that the likes of Sebastian Bach wrote music for a coffee cantata. Like coffee roasting, it is an art to bring out the best of the green beans to roasted beans and into your coffee cup. It takes a trained ear to know that is has produced an excellent music and it takes trained sniffing and tasting tongue to know that an excellent coffee beans would go into the cup.

If whenever coffee beans buyers, roasters, and coffee shops bring excellent coffee into every cup, people who drinks them would be stimulated to think clearly and to be creative.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks of info. do you know the song.